‘Handshake’: exchange of cycling knowledge and experience

  • 19 February 2019

The CIVITAS Handshake project started in September 2018 with a Kick-Off Meeting in Copenhagen. The goal of the project is to enable the exchange of knowledge and experience on cycling in cities from three European Cycling Capitals (Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Munich) to ten Future Cycling Capitals (Bordeaux, Bruges, Cadiz, Dublin, Helsinki, Krakow, Manchester, Riga, Rome and Turin). This process will construct the effective take up of cycling solutions for all cities involved.

Each city has proposed an innovation they wish to implement or are currently working on. Decisio’s main role in the project is to help cities monitor and evaluate these innovations both ex-ante and ex-post by using Bikenomics, which will provide an understanding of their welfare effects and social impacts in different types of urban domains. This methodology will ensure a thorough overview of the effects and the transferability of cycling solutions between the 13 participating cities.

Transferable measures

At this point, Decisio is assisting cities in selecting transferable bicycle measures and methodologies of collecting data. With these inputs we will conduct ex-ante impact assessments of the measures. Decisio is working alongside ISINNOVA, the University of Amsterdam, Mobiel 21, Velo Mondial and ICLEI as partners in the project.

More information

More information about the project can be found on the project website http://handshakecycling.eu/. Or contact one of our colleagues Kees van Ommeren (c.vanommeren [at] decisio.nl), Paolo Ruffino (p.ruffino [at] decisio.nl) and Lilian Tilburgs (l.tilburgs [at] decisio.nl). Or by telephone at 0031-(0)20-6700562.


Decisio Economic Consulting is one of the leading firms in The Netherlands in performing and developing social cost benefits analyses (please read: SCBAs). Decisio has extensive (international) experience in the field of SCBAs, cycling, infrastructure and mobility.

Social cost benefit analysis

The SCBA is a useful tool to structure and weigh impacts of a project or other policy measures and support decision makers in testing, optimizing and justifying their policy decisions. Decisio consultants conduct SCBA studies, offer courses and support decision makers in various policy areas like transport economics (highways, cycling, rail, waterways, airports), (renewable) energy, spatial development, water management and tourism.